Hi, my name is Una Ennis, Our 7 year old boy Archie has just been diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a serious condition that causes progressive muscle weakness.
With the progression of the muscle weakness Archie is finding it hard to stand up and walk up the stairs. The doctor said most boys end up in a wheel chair at the age of ten and that the life time expectancy is shorter with this condition (early 30's)
As parents we are devastated and desperate to get Archie treatment to stop this from progressing.
we found a doctor in LA that said Archie is eligible for gene therapy in the hospital. Unfortunately this cost 3.2 million euro starting off. They will charge extra for us to stay there to monitor Archie after the treatment is giving.
As parents we want to show Archie we tried everything to stop this from happening.
from our family to yours,
please help our boy
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